

At AJC Partners, we offer a property fund, also known as a real estate fund, that primarily focuses on investing in real estate assets. Our investment fund aims to generate returns for investors by pooling together capital from multiple individuals and using it to acquire, manage, and sell properties.

Our property fund takes the form of an open-end fund, allowing investors to enter or exit the fund at any time. We continuously accept new investments and redeem shares as investors wish to sell. The value of the fund’s shares is determined by the net asset value (NAV) per share, which is calculated by dividing the total value of the fund’s assets minus liabilities by the number of shares outstanding.

Our property fund has the flexibility to invest in various types of real estate assets, such as residential, commercial, industrial, and retail properties. Our experienced fund managers at AJC Partners are responsible for identifying promising investment opportunities, acquiring properties, and efficiently managing them to maximize returns for our investors.